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RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) Exams
The RRB Exams are conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board. RRB examinations are held for the selection of technical and non–technical cadres in the Indian Railways
The important exam Under RRB:-
RRB ALP (Assistant Loco Pilot)
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts computer based examination for recruitment of ALP & Technician posts.
Job profile: He assists Loco Pilot in Driving or piloting the train. Job requires continuous attention and high degree of responsiveness. Your response to situations are tested by an Aptitude test. You will assist Driver in performing his duties including calling out signal as soon as one is sighted, fine-tuning Loco ,attending minor repairs of the Loco.
The strenuous nature of the job is compensated by allowances of which the important one is Running Allowance. You are paid Running Allowance based on the monthly kilometres on the run.
Career path :
ALP's next promotion is Sr. ALP followed by LP. After becoming LP one can write also exams for Power Controller, Crew Controller, Loco Foreman (Loco supervisor) . These posts have the added advantage of getting Running Allowance without actually running.
RRB NTPC (Non Technical Popular Categories)
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts Non Technical Popular Categories (NTPC)
The posts under RRB NTPC recruitment are:-
Junior Clerk cum Typist,
Accounts Clerk cum Typist,
Junior Time Keeper,
Trains Clerk,
Commercial cum Ticket Clerk,
Traffic Assistant,
Goods Guard,
Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk,
Senior Clerk cum Typist,
Junior Account Assistant cum Typist,
Senior Time Keeper,
Commercial Apprentice
Station Master
Commercial Clerk (CC)
CC (Commercial Clerk) can be posted in Ticket Booking Offices (known as Booking Clerk) or in Goods Shed (Known as Goods Clerk).
Booking Clerk issues tickets to Passengers (either traditional paper tickets or through computerized Unreserved Ticket System – UTS), book Luggage and parcels, supervise their loading and maintains concerned registers. Nowadays in some small stations Booking Clerk is also given additional charge of Computerized Passenger Reservation.
RRB JE (Junior Engineer)
The Railways Recruitment Board conducts the RRB JE Exam in order to recruit candidates with science and engineering backgrounds to fill in the various technical posts available in the Indian Railways.
Posts Under RRB JE(Junior Engineer)
Junior Engineer
Junior Engineer (Information Technology)
Depot Material Superintendent
Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant
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